Sunday, December 27, 2015

Anger Management

Went to see "Star Wars" on Christmas Eve, and was sooooo disappointed that afterwards I went to Walgreens and bought a 2# box of Whitman chocolates...and ate it all up within an hour. Pathetic. By Christmas day I was realllly in a funk. Yes, I know exercise will cure that, so when Scott texted that he wanted to postpone our workout til 11:30 or Saturday, I said "fate, see you next Wednesday." Then eat pasta, pasta, pasta; then get on the scale to see if you've crossed the line back up to over 200. OOps, not quite yet.

It's very clear to me that all this is anger. Life's not fair. So what? Something new? Why take it out on yourself? Unless the real you, deep inside, really DOES want to weight 300# and never leave your bed? Really?? Don't think so. Really. I suspect the real you wants to be moving all the time. Probably ought to go for a bike ride even if it is only 32 degrees. Dress for it, for God's sake. It's not even snowing!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ben & Jerry's Banana Split

Which I sampled (which means ate the whole pint) night before last. Oh well. Yesterday I had my normal eggs for breakfast, but for the rest of the day ate nothing but COOKIES. Is that it for December?

Monday, December 21, 2015

A Focus Wheel

Just ran across this on FB: If you've lost hope...

This is a method of focusing on the essential being (thanks Tolle!) is interesting. It reminds me that I believe the essential me is healthy and strong and is not the fat, lazy sloven that the Ego's memory evils have led me to.

Anyway, still hangin' in there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

On a roll!

Still hangin' in there! and dropping weight, a few ounces a day. I'm doing the ketosis plan but trying not to obsess over carbs--meaning if I go over 10%, I don't have hysterics. I'm also trying not to be so frugal; let's face it, Grocery Outlet frozen chicken breasts aren't the same as those from Whole Foods. I can't afford to (well the diet can't afford to) taste something, say ICKKK, throw it away, and look hungrily at the almonds. Nor can I afford to remember that the last time I prepared a frozen Jenny-o turkey patty, I gagged and tossed it (well, gave it to Obi). Because when I remember, I can't bring myself to prepare another one! Which is what happened last night. So my dinner ended up being a second 1/4 cup of almonds and an ounce of cheese. This is not the best choice for dinner.

Exercise has dwindled down quite a bit, only around four hours a week for the last four weeks. It's been very cold, so who wants to get up and go? Although at tennis yesterday, there was Camille in shorts and one of my skimpy tennis tops playing with folks wearing long pants, long sleeves, ear muffs, hats, and mittens--I kid you not! (This fact does not, however, make it any easier to get up and go!)

I'm reading Eckhart Tolle's A NEW EARTH: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. I think it's helping because when I feel what he calls the "pain-body" (all those awful memories that have colored one's reactions to triggers in the present) creeping in, I remember (or try to remember) that that isn't me, that's my pain-body.

It's also helping to be working on the Eldercize nonprofit. That's a hard one to explain, but I think it has something to do with letting go of some other pain-bodies relating to self-esteem. I remind myself that I don't need anyone to tell me what to do, that I already am capable and knowledgeable, that I have everything I need to accomplish this, and when I need help/advice, I can get it without other pain-bodies trying to make me feel stupid or incompetent. All I have to do is re-enter the NOW. Extremely helpful. And if in the NOW, I'm being very lazy, that's ok, too, because it is what it is.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Back on the wagon?

It's possible I'm back on the wagon, AND I only gained one pound in the last 30 days. Truly amazing.

Maybe it's because I've been working very hard on my nonprofit project (Eldercize). Working always wires me up. I've accomplished an amazing amount of work in the last week.

I'm also reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Tough going.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Waaaay Down in the Dumps

Yesterday I ate six donuts...and I don't even like donuts!

This binging. It's like an anger thing, a childish thing, a fu** you thing. And then the next morning I get on the scale to see how badly I've screwed myself and ask, will today be the day I snap out of this thing?

I'm obviously very depressed.

This morning I asked myself to go back and trace the descent. Is this the kind of thing where one itty bitty bad decision escalates, snowballs? Or is it the weather? Or is it karma? Or is it that I stepped on a crack and broke my mother's back? Or is it that the moon is in retrograde of Venus? Unfortunately, I think it is it just what it is. The unknowable.

Some of my friends find it admirable that I can go so long and do so well. How do you do it? they ask. Hell, I don't know. Just like I don't know how I CAN'T do it when I can't. I DO know it has nothing to do with "willpower." Please don't give me any credit. Certainly it's not an act of will. I loathe the word "willpower." Totally don't believe in it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the key here is acceptance. I'll let go of the anger and stop binging when I accept. Accept what? Accept that life is what it is, not fair, not good, not bad, not a novel, not logical, not purposeful, not ordained, not...anything. (I guess I'm an existentialist.) The problem with that, acceptance, is that--and as I recall, such is also the problem with existentialism--if I do 'accept,' I'll find no reason to continue to endure life. For me a purposeless existence is painful.

Actually my life is not entirely purposeless. Yesterday and the day before I spent a number of hours in 'purposeful' activities--I put in many hours creating my friend Paula's "best Christmas in years" by teaching/supervising/facilitating/assisting her in creating CDs of her mother's recipes and photographs as presents for her relatives.

I also put in an hour or so doing computer stuff for my friend Pat. I set her up on my laptop so that with just a touch of the up/down arrows she could page through her son's Facebook pages. And I took photos of some of her rock memorabilia and placed an ad in Craigslist for her to sell them, and browsed Ebay to show her competitive prices of the stuff.

And probably most 'purposeful' of all, I took Obi to visit my friend Karen at The Terraces. And I took her a Jamba Juice too!

That should be enough, don't you think? Apparently not.

Humm, just realized. THEY came to me. Paula asked for my help...well, no. She told me about the problem, and I volunteered the solution. Pat DID ask for my help. So, ok, the universe SENT me the purpose. The solution is that I need to find the purpose within myself.

The only thing going on there is Eldercize, my newly created nonprofit to deliver exercise classes to the elderly in the facilities where they live. No wonder I'm depressed. What a challenge that is: no one helps me, no one funds me, no one responds to me. I KNOW this is a correct thing to do. In 10 years (just like the strollers for running mothers were), this will be mainstream.

Oh well. Maybe tomorrow I'll get out of bed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

New Doo, New Month, New Motivation?

I hope so!! November was a disaster. Yesterday, I got a hair cut from Dustin, and of course he immediately recognized that I'd lost weight. Then! When I expressed concern about hitting the next mark, I got bombarded with "just keep your mouth shut!" He (skinny of course) told me that when he's feeling "fluffy," he cuts back. If having a sandwich for lunch, he'll cut it in half, eat half, and (like BAN) wait one full hour before eating the second half--IF he still wants it. Anyway, I spent an extra $120 for the color doo in hopes that it'd inspire me!

Mucho complements, but just look at that middle!!!!

So I went online exploring my options. I'm a life member of Jenny Craig, so I looked there first. I even planned a week's menu; but then I had to cancel because I just couldn't face all those carbs--including bread, pasta, etc. plus mucho desserts.

Then I looked online for any pre-made entrees in the low carb genre. So I discovered Atkins now makes frozen meals and even has a web site to monitor yourself. Next stop: Safeway. I bought up!!! And there was another low carb brand--Eating Right--so I bought some of their dinners also. Shoot, I forgot to look for Atkins bars--just to see their nutrition label.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Time Out

Well unfortunately BAN was a failure. I cut up a banana into small pieces and ate it. I waited five minutes and then ate some applesauce. Finally, I waited five minutes and ate 100 calories of almonds...then I ate another package of nuts. And then I ate another package of nuts. And then I ate the other banana. And then I finished off the remaining seven packages of nuts. And then I made up a Mounds bar. And then I used the last of the coconut to make another Mounds bar.

Then I went to sleep.

This morning I ate my good breakfast. Then I set out some chicken to defrost. At mid-morning I grabbed a package of some kind of cheese and a package of smoked salmon and ate until I was full. In mid-afternoon I made and ate a bowl of popcorn seasoned with butter and cinnamon/sugar.

Then I admitted defeat.

I don't think I will post for awhile. I have no idea what I will do next, but I don't want to post or record. I just want to coast.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Help! Nighttime Bingeing

Still making Mounds bars at night. Is that a clue: at night? Maybe I'll do some Internet exploring on the subject.

I looked at several sites. I already do everything right (no skipping meals, etc.), so it boils down to "identify the cause." 

Know the difference between emotional and physical hunger. Sometimes we eat at night because we are genuinely hungry, especially if we deprive ourselves of calories throughout the day. Other times, nighttime eating is due to emotional hunger. Identifying whether your nighttime eating is physical or emotional is an important step in dealing with the problem.
  • Does your hunger come on suddenly or gradually? Emotional hunger is more likely to manifest itself in the form of a sudden craving. Physical hunger comes on gradually.[1]
  • What kinds of foods are you craving? When you're experiencing emotional hunger, you're more likely to crave sweet or salty comfort foods than something substantial.[2]
  • Do you eat enough calories during the day? If you're on a calorie restricted diet or if you're skipping meals, then you'll likely experience physical hunger at night. If you've had a full meal earlier, however, your hunger is probably emotional.
and that led to Dr. Oz of all people, saying:

Step 1: Ask Yourself: "Is My Hunger Coming from Above or Below the Neck?"

Most nighttime eaters know that even after eating a full meal, it's easy to still feel hungry. Chances are this isn't physical hunger, it's emotional. You can tell you're experiencing emotional hunger if it comes on suddenly (as physical hunger is gradual) and if you are craving specific comfort foods. When emotional hunger strikes, feed it with BAN - bananas, applesauce and nuts. Make sure to eat these in progression, not all at once. Start with the banana, cutting it up into small pieces to satisfy that snacking hand motion. Once you're done, wait five minutes before moving on to the applesauce. If you're still hungry, eat the applesauce next to mimic that sweet and creamy consistency ice cream gives us. Five minutes after that if you're still hungry, move on to the nuts to get your salt fix. 

Step 2: Occupy Your Mind and Hands

Try to distract yourself with an alternative activity, other than eating. Do something that works both the mind and your hands, like knitting or a crossword puzzle while you listen to music or watch TV.

Step 3: Brush Your Teeth

That clean-mouth feeling is a great deterrent to keep you from mindlessly snacking. Toothpaste or mouthwash changes the flavor of food, so that piece of cheese or chocolate won't taste as good after. Just be careful if you have heartburn, as mint is a trigger for it. If you do, choose a different flavor of toothpaste.

Step 4: Pick Your Poison

If all else fails and you still have a craving for something specific, pick just one thing you are craving. Whether it's ice cream, some salty chips or candy, have one single serving of it and be done. 
So, I have nothing to lose and will try Step 1, the BAN plan. Sounds interesting and certainly not as bad as Mounds bars!!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mounds Bars

Guess I'm still off the wagon 'cause even though I fasted yesterday (for a medical procedure), I felt the need to get creative after lunch. Because I found some coconut in the freezer, I was inspired to mix:

  • 1 tsp cream
  • 1 tsp 100% cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut
  • 1 tbsp honey
Presto! Instant Mounds Bars!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I fell off the wagon

I was fantasising about Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia because the little store down the street usually carried it. I guess I knew I was going. Of course they didn't even have Cherry Garcia...

It's almost like watching Obi eat grass--is there a mineral in grass that his body knows he needs??? I don't understand, but I'm really tired of the struggle. Today I'm going back to eating carbs. I can't imagine any reason why craving fat and sugar should translate into craving carbs, but I don't know what else to try.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mudslide, Avalanche, Snowball?

 My nextdoor neighbor, Pat, tried to make me feel better after the can of cashews. She said "Sometimes I get a craving and buy something I normally don't and then pig out."

"So," I reply, "Do you buy a dozen donuts and eat them all?"

"Oh no," she says, "maybe two. But I usually don't eat any."

"OK," says I, "You're not a binger...'cause I'd eat the whole dozen!"

"But," Pat replies--she's really trying to make me feel less weird!--"if the thing is sold in a package, like cookies? I'd eat the whole package!"


Sadly, one of the problems I have with bingeing is that it can snowball. Once the dike has been later in the evening I returned to the kitchen and took inventory. I found a tiny bit of Cheerios left over from when my nieces stayed with me. Wow, CARBS!! Oh, a bowl of CEREAL!! So I filled a bowl, quickly defrosted some left-over-from-the-days-of-fruit-shakes frozen mango, added a good pour of cream...and pigged out!

THEN!  I returned to the kitchen, found where I had hidden the honey, and mixed some with the last of the peanut butter. Later, I added some honey to the essentially empty peanut butter jar and scooped out a few more teaspoon fulls.

Finally I was finished and went to sleep wondering how bad it would be the next morning (on the scale). Definition of binge eater.

It wasn't too bad this morning. As I told Pat last night, it wasn't the end of the world. I knew what would happen: I'd just thrown away a couple weeks worth of diet. The sad thing is there's a whole bunch of stuff I would rather have eaten if I was going to eat 6000 calories of forbidden fruit. But all I can do now is let it all go and move forward. Too bad today is "Core Monday."

Sunday, November 8, 2015

a rainy day'll do it...

I went to Safeway to buy a bunch of sweet potatoes, but unfortunately, the Girl Scouts were selling outside the entrance. I bought a can of cashews, the only thing they had without sugar. Then, because I was on my way home from tennis, I opened the can and ate about 1/4 cup. I'm SUPPOSED to eat some protein after exercise!! I guess I should have known; I should have dropped that can of cashews off in the public lounge downstairs because God knows I don't even like cashews. Instead, I dropped the can on the table along with Obi's of course it stared at me the next time I took Obi for a walk...

I just ate the entire can, two cups of cashews that I don't even like. (Has anyone ever postulated that bingeing is a way to express negative emotions? Well, it is a rainy day, and I did get extremely annoyed with a friend but felt strongly prohibited from expressing that feeling. Hummmm.)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Down in the Dumps

As I weighed myself this morning, I realized November was going to be another wasted month of no gain. Life is NOT FAIR! Here I've been soooo good, no desserts, no sugar, no CARBS at all, no bread, no rice, no PASTA!! for FOUR MONTHS. I guess a lot of people would say, quit complaining, 25# in four months is great, I'm too impatient. Except that it FEELS like nothing's been happening. Is that true?

I go check my progress.

Clearly, my head doesn't remember very well. Looks like I was doing great 'til that binge episode at the end of the October (Happy Halloween!!) So I need to suck it up and persevere. Focus: it's the journey, not the destination. 

I've been slacking off of exercise, too. So far my weekly numbers are fine--at least seven hours (my goal)--but I've been achieving it with every-other-day doing nothing. So it's 1200 calories on lazy days and 1500 on at-least-1-hr days. I suppose it's also possible I got out of ketosis with that binge. Now, that should have no effect on weight loss, only on what's being lost (fat vs. muscle), but again, it just feels like nothing's happening. 

Maybe it's the weather. Summer's over. Extra quilt on the bed, jacket on me and Obi for early morning walk, end of Daylight-Savings, too cold or windy for a bike ride. Whine, whine, whine.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Incredible Shrinking Man!

I went to the doctor yesterday, and they checked my height and weight. I SHRANK!!! Another inch! You know what this means? It means that I just GAINED WEIGHT!!! I know, I know, life is not fair, but jeese, that's just not fair. My response? I put the bag of almonds on my lap, and ate, ate, ate. And then I ate a 40 gram carb chicken salad! So THERE!!

Today, again, I focus on the journey, not the destination, and do not despair. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is water at the end of the desert.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Another Motive for Losing Weight

I had a CT Scan last week because it's a new protocol to screen former heavy smokers for pre-cancer so prophylactic treatment can begin if warranted. Happily, I don't need pre-cancer treatment, but the test did reveal that i have "mild emphysema." 

Why lose weight? Originally, there was all the stuff out there about how "everything is better when you're not fat." Then there's my recent problem of not being able to exercise to the extent "I used to." Then there's "Oh, you have asthma so lose weight to improve lung function." Now it's "You have mild emphysema so lose weight to improve lung function."  Guess I'll continue to lose weight.

Interestingly, looking on the Internet (of course) for information about emphysema, I found new studies that show beta carotene can regenerate alveoli. Wow! So in an addendum to my ketosis diet, I will plan that all my carbs will come from beta carotene. This means sweet potatoes (yumm!), carrots, spinach, squash.

So...the Pumpkin Pie Pudding I made yesterday and ate for dessert today is PERFECT! Without the cream I have 11 grams of beta carotene, 6 grams fat, and 7 grams protein. The cream just adds to the perfection (and I can't tell you the number of times I've needed to drink  a quarter cup of cream at night just to get the numbers right).

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

I left a bag of almonds on the kitchen counter, and every time I passed it, I took one or two. Good fat, I rationalized. Nevertheless, I put the bag into a cupboard and shut the door. Let me please CHOOSE when to eat that good fat!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Powers of 10

Last night I invited a friend to watch a movie with me in the living room. About half way though the movie (a very emotional film), I got up and counted out 10 almonds to snack on. A bit later I brought the bag to the couch and counted out 10 more. Then 10 x 2 more. Then 10 x 2 more. Then I gave up and just reached into the bag. Then I went and got a piece of cheese without measuring it. Then I ate more almonds.

I was binging.

Why? I haven't a clue. I know I'm a bit uncomfortable sitting in my living room, especially for an extended period of time. (Sorry to say [sounds very nuts and unhealthy] but I prefer to lie in bed.) Is that the reason? Also, a second friend came over and changed the dynamics of the 'party,' and that, too, made me a bit uncomfortable--I would have preferred that the dynamics remain unchanged. Humm, I don't deal well with...?? I need a shrink???

I DO know that there was some rationalization going on: Perlmutter and the other ketonic diet gurus all say basically "eat all the fat you want." Maybe my body needed more fat today?? I can't buy it. I always hesitate to keep almonds in the house because I'm too prone to just gobble them up. I suspect that if there hadn't been almonds, I would have cut some cheese--only because it's quick and easy. I would definitely NOT have been interested in grabbing some other things readily available such as grape tomatoes, cream, almond milk, hard boiled egg, kipper snacks, lettuce. A spoonful of almond butter has tempted me in the past.

Ooooh, something else was different! I changed my water! (Remember the ongoing search for a substitute for Chrystal Light?) I had just bought some lemon juice, hoping to flavor my water; but the fact is I didn't like it. (Maybe I should have put some stevia in it, but whatever: I didn't like it.) And I always drink that liquid like a dying person on the desert.

oK, so something learned: don't EVER face an evening without an acceptable beverage! I guess I use that beverage the same way I use the almonds?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dreaming of Sweets??

Last night I dreamed I was eating a wonderful piece of pie. I don't remember much except that it was mouth-watering, looked very sweet -- of course! This was scairy!!

Why? Because I suddenly realized that working on the down slope does not indicate that I have conquered binging.

Very scairy. I can say to myself that I recognize that I am a sugar-holic and can never eat that piece of pie again, but what will happen when I DO hit my goal? THAT will be the real challenge!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I Hate Core Day

Several weeks ago I told Scott I wanted to increase my weight training, and to accomplish this I would do core day on my own, leaving two full sessions for him to work on legs and upper body. Yea!! Except that then I had to force myself to do it.

It's been very difficult. Talk about procrastination, wow. Originally I was supposed to do it on Mondays. Then I found myself postponing Wednesday to Thursday so I could do Monday on Tuesday, but didn't get it done until Wednesday. Get the picture? Plus someone stole the roll-out bar from the gym, and I haven't been able to find a suitable substitute for the lower abs. I tried a ball exercise, Swiss-Ball Jackknife -- looked so easy! but couldn't even get my ankles up there.

So today I decided to really work it. I succeeded in three full reps of 60 seconds on the wall squat holding 3# weights (supposed to be 5#, but I don't have those at home), four full sets, 12 reps each (as opposed to last week's three and 10) of Plank, ab Crunches, Leg Raises, and chest high Push-Ups. Then I tried the new Plank Row wearing socks. Disaster. Couldn't move at all. Maybe I'm tired? OK, I'll try again later.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Supplements and Additives?

I'm a rule follower. So when Perlmutter said "get these supplements" and "eliminate the additives," I did my best. The first time I "did Perlmutter" I bought cod liver oil and probiotics per his insistence. And I cleaned out my kitchen--no more pasta, no more bread, no more anything with ingredients. My kitchen is still everything Perlmutter would want. For example, I always have olive oil and coconut oil and nuts and avocados, olives, a variety of cheese, couple pints of heavy cream. (BTW, even at Whole Foods it's impossible to buy a quart of cream or any cottage cheese made from whole milk, and there's only ONE vendor/size of whole milk plain Greek yogurt!) It's even fun to try various cheeses that I've never, ever had before, yummmy. And who would believe that you could DRINK a half cup of heavy cream and like it!

It was also pretty easy to eliminate additives. I mean, heck, if you're "going back to basics," you don't use anything with ingredients. I bought a huge package of Steevia, and no problem Jose.

However, I still struggle with the water. Water around here just doesn't taste good, so I have been drinking Chrystal Delight for yearrrrrrs. It's difficult to drink a gallon of water a day, and Chrystal Delight made it easy. So, I tried buying a bunch of different "steevia flavored drops." Ick. Double Ick. I tried squeezing a lemon into my gallon of water. Now, that would work, but I'd have to buy a dozen lemons at a time. Nevertheless, I'm keeping this solution on the back burner. My latest aquisition was an order of unsweetened flavor drops from Capella Flavors ( With shipping costs, it was not cheap, but if it works out, I can buy bulk quantities.

Friday, October 16, 2015

My name is Camille, and I'm a sugar-holic

I don't have any problem passing on the sweets because I finally accepted the fact that I'm a sugar-holic who can't have just I can never have even one.

One scoop tastes great. I want to continue to enjoy that great feeling, but to do that requires continually eating more scoops. Sugar-holic.

The solution is my great imagination. I can remember that taste! I've practiced, and I really can bring to mind anything I've eaten. I figure there's nothing that I haven't already tasted, so I don't have to have anything any more; I only need to remember the taste.

Food is now only something I ingest to avoid that uncomfortable feeling of hungar. Sound boring? Too bad. Look what I've accomplished in the last 90 days!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lost 25#

Weighed in at 195#, so my friend Bob gave me $100 today. He's going to give me $100 for every 10 pounds I lose.

I just keep pluggin' away, modifying the percentages, lowering protein--then I get hungry...moving carbs to lunch.

Added 300 calories to my day giving mef 1500 which still doesn't account for all the calories I'm working off in exercise, but I don't trust those calorie counters. Anyway, I'm doing ok. As my trainer says, "It's the journey." I'm focussed on August, 2016.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Oops! Protein aint it

 Letter to author of
After spending hours playing with the numbers, I decided it's close enough for horseshoes! 

I got into this conundrum because I lost 20 pounds the first two months and zero (well, up/down 2#) the third!! And my body loves ketosis! Anyway, since I track compulsively (loseit and myfitnesspal), I couldn't figure it out. And then I found your site and the plateau section. Which is why I was trying to determine if I was getting too much protein. Unfortunately, since I've decided it's close enough for horseshoes, that only leaves the one I feared: not eating enough. (Eating can get very boring without carbs!) 

Sure enough, when I thought about it, I remembered that I had deliberately DOUBLED my exercise time in this third month (trying to increase my fitness level), but I didn't change my calorie intake. Clearly, I have to try to manage this during the fourth month, but it's scairy. I HATE having to suddenly come up with 400-500 more calories including boring PROTEIN at the end of the day plus there's so much guess work involved in calculating calories burned. However, I think I will plan on making your shakes (I LOVE shakes!). Wish me luck, and I'll let you know how it goes.

By the way, before I found your site I had experimented with increasing carbs. Oh, disaster. Immediately got depressed and grouchy again. It's so sad that people in my generation (I'm 73) spent our LIVES avoiding fat. It was Dr. David Perlmutter'sGrain Brain that introduced me to ketosis and the benefits of fat. 

Finally, I don't remember if I read it on your site or elsewhere, but I was THRILLED to learn that I can do this forever, that there's no downside.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Refining Purlmutter: the Ketogenic Diet

Purlmutter worked great, but then it didn't. Researching, I discovered which is fantastic.

 My experience with Purlmutter--which is essentially a ketogenic diet--was that my body loved it. I was never hungry, never depressed. But what to do when it stops working? This new web site has given me ideas. I picked up two facts immediately: 1) a 'cheating' day can result in the body needing another two weeks to get back into ketogenesis, and 2) protein quantity is FIXED as a ratio of LBM (lean body mass) and should never be determined as a percentage of daily intake--which is what I have been doing.
Sooooo, over the next few months I'll be monitoring my LBM and adjusting protein requirements weekly. Today I weigh 200.2 which is 37.9% fat, 31.2% water, 26.3% muscle, with a bone density score of 3.4. This tells me my LBM is 52.6 so my daily protein intake should be 1 or 1.5 x 52.6 or max (let's call it) 80g.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

End of Month One

Reviewed a bit more of the book and realized that I had erred last  time in not recording so I got carried away on the fats. Heck, one of his recipes--crunchy cereal--is like 700 calories! So this time I'll record. AND I changed the proportions to10% carb, 60% fat, 30% protein which is shocking by itself.  Well,we'll see.
I also spent  fortune on probiotics and cod liver oil.  

Monday, June 1, 2015

Starting Over A*G*A*I*N

For some reason I decided to go for the gusto again.  Weighing in at 220#.