Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Storm on the Mediterranean

I'm sure it's not the Mediterranean's fault, but I gained five pounds in a week. The reason was, no doubt, that I

  • went to the grocery store and stocked up on food (bad, bad, bad: now there's food in the house. A box of raisins is an invitation to binge)
  • for financial reasons, fired my beloved trainer (bad, bad, bad: now there's no weight training)
  • was only called to work on one day (bad, bad, bad: now I'm bored, bored, bored)
  • spent several days away from home helping out my daughter (bad, bad, bad: now control of my schedule, diet, and routine is out the window)
  • the uncertainty of my apartment and financial situation caused considerable stress (bad, bad, bad: the number one binge trigger)
So the question is: should I try another week? I think I will. The apartment/financial/moving thing has been beautifully resolved for the next six months after which I will have to make another decision. So I can probably hire back my trainer. The work pace will be back to normal within a week we expect. And the box of raisins is empty.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Off Keto, On Mediterranean Diet

Someone on Quora asked for a before/after picture of Keto, and I provided these showing -20#:

But, I think it's time to move on.

I've been playing around with keto metrics for three days, and even bought a membership in a new logger--Cronometer--but I just got overwhelmed by the amount of protein they want me to eat. Just can't do it. So this morning I set up MyFitnessPal to do a Mediterranean diet. Until I finish up the cream and bacon, my breakfast will include these items, but otherwise I'll be starting out with the metrics proposed by JJ Virgin & Associates, Inc. of 35% Fat 45% Carbohydrate 20% Protein.

One good thing is that I'll once again be able to eat Garito food and not spend my money on extra stuff. So let's see how a month on THIS diet will compare to keto.