As we all know, you can lose weight on any diet. I, however, want only to lose weight but to STAY down. Noom swears it will teach me how to do that. So, what did I take away this week?
Deprivation is a no-no. I have to practice eating appropriate amounts of my 'forbidden' foods. This week I ate, as a snack, a piece of bread spread with peanut butter. I hope/plan to buy some ice cream. This is definitely good for long term.
Noom also wants me to continually expose myself, i.e., walk by the bakery isle, get some candy and leave it on my bedside table, etc. (However, temptation has never really been a problem for me while dieting.)
Noom wants me to be sure to continue any fun activities associated with food, i.e., eating out, so I committed to ordering from a restaurant once a week and preparing a real recipe once a week (because I really enjoy cooking complex meals). I'm supposed to also cook a meal FOR someone, but don't feel that my roommate is interested. Maybe Eddie?
A biggie: unless you want to carry the scale around for the rest of your life, give it up. Ooooh, difficult. To me, dieting is rigid control and measuring. So I'm proud that I'm doing it because it requires a real trust in the process. Especially difficult when that restaurant food was teriaki so I GAINED a pound last night instead of losing .2#!
Biggest problem? Fatigue. No energy. I guess that two months off really caused me to get out of shape. Now a workout or even a bicycle ride to and from the grocery store is exhausting. I'm monitoring my sleep carefully. Basically I bought the Fitbit to do that. Now I've bought a noise machine, and I'm trying to be careful to follow the rules about regular bedtime and no screens for two hours before. I just need to be vigilent. I'm also taking a nap in the afternoon, which I won't be able to do if I work...Have to be patient and continue with the exercise program...slowly!!
Because my beloved trainer moved back to Kenya, he set me up with a romote app, Trainerize Fitness App. I PLAN to follow his routines three times a week...we'll see...but I'll be paying $150/month so I have some motivation.
I'm tired just thinking about my new life! No more spending the day in bed. Gotta walk to/from the grocery store practically every day. Gotta get in my steps, gotta, gotta, gotta. Oops, that's another thing I got from Noom: find the FUN in exercise!! I chose tennis (hahahaha), bicycling (doable), and dancing (hahahaha). So I told my trainer that I need to reach the point where after the workouts I feel GOOD. Right now I just always feel exhausted. SLOW DOWN!
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